July 26, 2024

Research Center for Civilizational Islam

Research deputyship of the Khorasan branch affiliated to Islamic Propagation Office of the Qom Seminary started its activities in 1994, and by using the potentials of the Islamic Seminary and the universities of Khorasan, formed various research departments succeeded in tens of research projects by benefiting from researchers. Then, this deputyship continued its activities under

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Research Center for Theology and Family

Islamic Propagation Office of Qom Seminary in Isfahan Branch started its research activities in 2003 in the form of research deputyship. With the development of research activities and the accumulation of nearly a decade of organizational knowledge and experience in this path, and with the shift in the approach of the Islamic Propagation Office from

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Research Center for Ethics and Spirituality

The extensive call and repeated emphasis of the Holy Qur’an on moral development and self-refinement, shows the very serious place of ethics among the goals of religion. The contemporary world is very thirsty for the            spiritual message of Shia and is looking for the liberating gift of the Islamic revolution. Undoubtedly, one of the most

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Research Center for Islamic Documents and Information Management

Research Center for Islamic Documents and Information Management is the result of over thirty years of research, study, information dissemination, and management of Islamic information within the framework of modern information technologies. It began its activities under the title “Thesaurus Unit” in 1992 and merged with the Information Dissemination Department in 2005. Finally, in 2016,

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