July 30, 2024

Comparative Theology

The department for comparative theology with focus on family theological issues tries to use the epistemic and methodological scope of philosophy and theology through an emphasis on Islamic and religious original thought and a comparative view, by avoiding sufficing to a special method and being protected from misinterpretations and misconceptions in studying the dimensions and

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Information and Knowledge Dissemination

Mission The mission of Information and Knowledge Dissemination Department is to use information technology and to carry out research activities as well as to design and manage the research and applied systems in the field of information and knowledge dissemination. Duties • Analysis, processing, representation and retrieval of information and knowledge in the field of

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​​​​​​​Organizing Information and Documents

Mission The aim of Organizing Information and Documents Department is to standardize, analyze the content, organize and represent the content of Islamic documents through using systems of resource organization. Duties 1. Controlled indexing based on the references and relations of existing thesauri to retrieve Islamic science resources. 2. Preparation and classification of Islamic documents and

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