August 2, 2024

Codicology and Bibliography

The department, based on the definite duties tries to do the accurate codicology and bibliography of the manuscripts and printed texts (including stone manuscripts) and selects and presents the Shia scholars in different subjects regarding the correctness of the text, the age, the author’s era, the handwriting of the author and other conditions which are

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Family Studies

The Department for Family Studies, based on the needs of the community for the scientific recognition of the family and Islamic principles, tries to use Interdisciplinary research in the analysis of family issues, including marriage, marital relationships, parenting, consolidation and promotion of family structure and function, and reduction of marital problems and harm. By carefully

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Social Ethics

Undoubtedly, Ethics is one of the topics that has been included a wide range of Islamic religious texts and other monotheistic religions and human socio-intellectual systems. Thus, attempts to deal with ethical issues and beliefs are important missions of Islamic and human sciences. The Department of Social Ethics aims to provide a suitable context for

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