August 5, 2024

Wisdom and New Theology

The Islamic Propagation Office in Khorasan Razavi established a research department under the title of “Islamic philosophy and theology” in 1995. The aforementioned department that currently has been recognized under the title of “wisdom and new theology” (one of the four departments in the Research center for Civilizational Islam affiliated to Islamic Sciences and Culture

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Applied Jurisprudence

The jurisprudential activities of the Research Center for Civilizational Islam began in 1994; the research center developed and promoted its activities with regard to needs of Islamic Seminary and society as an independent department and under the title of “the research department for Islamic Jurisprudence and law”. Mission Providing the scientific support for modern Islamic-Iranian

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Department for Jurisprudential and Legal Issues

What nowadays has been the dominant aspect in the field of religious sciences and the grand religious scholars have supported the efforts, studies and research greatly for centuries, is the jurisprudence and knowledge related to the divine minor ruling. If anyone wants to define and introduce the today’s Islamic seminaries, before everything else, the first

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