Biography of President


Najaf Lakzaee’s CV

First Name: Najaf
Surname: Lakzaee
D. O. B.: 1970
P. O. B.: Sistan, Iran
Nationality: Iranian
Marital Status: Married
Work Address: Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran


Najaf Lakzaee was born in 1970. He studied at the university and at the same time at Islamic seminary from 1982 to 2004 and succeeded in completing his university education in the field of political sciences and got the degrees of B.A, M.A and PhD. He is currently the president of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy.


Ph.D. in Political Science, 2003 
Imam Sadiq Univ., Tehran, Iran 
Dissertation: “Religious Politics and Sultanate Order: With an Emphasis on Shiite Ulama’s Political Thought in the Safavid Era.” 
M.A. in Political Science, 1998 
Baqir-ol-Olum Univ., Qom, Iran 
Dissertation: “Mohaqqiq Sabzevari’s Political Thought.” 
B.A. in Political Science, 1996
Baqir-ol-Olum Univ., Qom, Iran 
Religious Studies at Different Levels, 1981-2008
Qom Seminary Schools, Qom, Iran 

Current Responsibility: President of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy since 2014



Published Books:

1. The cultural and political history of contemporary Iran, published by The Center for Ladies’ Islamic Seminaries Management, The Office for preparation and compilation of educational texts and resources, Hajar Publication Center, Qom, 2012.
2. Socio-political changes of contemporary Iran, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, 2011.
3. An introduction to Quranic documents of Imam Khomeini’s political sciences, The Center for Quranic Knowledge and Culture, Qom, 2007.
4. The challenge of religious politics and kingdom order, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, 2006, selected book in Islamic Republic of Iran Year Book Festival, eligible for appreciation as well as selected book in Biennial Research on Islamic State.
5. The Holy Prophet’s conduct, from the Jahiliyyah (ignorance) community to the Islamic community, Bustan Kitab Publication, Qom, 2006.
6. Evolution of Imam Khomeini’s Political Thought, Islamic Culture and Thought Academy, Tehran, 2004.
7. Political thought of Mulla Sadra, Bustan Kitab Publication, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, 2002 (Selected in Seminary Year Book Festival, Religion Researchers Year Book Festival).
8. Political thought of Ayatullah Motahari, Bustan Kitab, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, 2002 (in partnership with some of the scholars).
9. Rawzat al-Anwar Abbasi, (correction and research), Bustan Kitab, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, 2002.
10. Political thought of Sabzevari, Bustan Kitab, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, 2001(Seminary Year Book Festival). 
11. The Background of Islamic Revolution of Iran, The Twelve Imams, 1998, (in partnership with Dr. Mansur Mirahmadi).


Some of the Published Scientific-research Papers
1. Transcendental security, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Transcendental Policy, 2nd year, issue no.5, summer, 2014.
2. Jurisprudential Studies on Security, Iranian Political Science Association, issue no.2, spring 2004.
 3. Cultural Security from Shiite Jurisprudence view, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Strategic Studies, volume 16, issue no.62, winter 2014.
4. Shiite jurisprudence and social capital in Iran, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Shiite Studies, 11th year, autumn 2013.
5. Shiite security viewpoint with emphasis on Ayatollah Shahid Beheshti’s thought, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Shiite Studies, issue no.41, spring 2013.
6. Political policies pattern dimension of the Quran, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of transcendental policy, Howzah Political Studies Association, issue no.1, summer 2013(in partnership with Hossein Ahmadi).
7. Motahari’s Theological Anthropology: A Pivot for Politics, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, Baqir al-Olum University, issue no. 58, summer 2012. (In partnership with Dr. Reza Isania).
8. Imam Khomeini’s Political Ethics System, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal on Islamic Revolution, Bu Ali Sina University, issue no.6, spring 2013.
9. Security Implications of the Anthropology of Āyatullāh Jawādī Amulī, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Isra, Research center for Revelatory Sciences, issue no.9, autumn 2011.
10. The relationship between legality and political partnership in Imam Khomeini’s thought, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies, 8th year, issue no.28, summer 2011, (in partnership with Qolamhassan Moqimi).
11. Political Development models with an emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s thought, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies, 9th year, issue no.29, summer 2012, (in partnership with Qolam Reza Esm Hosseini).
12. Security from the viewpoint of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Isra, Research center for Revelatory Sciences, issue no.7, spring 2011.
13. The analysis of Islamic revolution of Iran in the framework of transcendental wisdom, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Matin, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, issue no.51, summer 2011(in partnership with Reza Lakzaei).
14. The methodology of political thought of Imam Khomeini, Journal of Political and International Approaches, Shahid Beheshti University, issue no.23, autumn 2010.
15. Anthropology security applications of transcendental wisdom philosophers, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Strategic Studies, 13th year, issue no.4, winter 2010.
16. Philosophy of security from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Strategic Studies, 13th year, issue no.3, autumn 2010.
17. Islamic revolution and dominating struggles of The USA, Scientific-research Quarterly Journal of Islamic Revolution Studies, 7th year, issue 21, summer 2010.
18. Issues of Political Jurisprudence, Bi-quarterly Journal of Political knowledge, Volume 6, issue 11, spring and summer 2008.
19. Classification of sciences from the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and Imam Khomeini, Quarterly Journal of Kheradname-ye Sadra

Some of the Scientific-Specialized papers:
1. Islamic Revolution and Revival of Islamic Political Thought / Quarterly Journal of Political Science, issue 7,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, winter 1993.
2. Journal of International Congress of Shaikh Ansari, Forbidden Ijtihad, Legal Ijtihad, issue 3, Qom, 1994.
3. Journal of International Congress of Shaikh Ansari, Shaikh Ansari and today’s generation, issue 6, Qom, 1994.
4. Imam Khomeini, revival of Islamic government thought, Quarterly Journal of Hozur, issue 9, Institute for Publishing and Compiling Imam Khomeini’s Works, Tehran, 1995.
5. An introduction to political thought of Sabzevari, Quarterly Journal of Islamic Government, issue 5, The Secretariat Assembly of Experts for Leadership, Qom, 1998.
6. Rawzat al-Anvar Abbasi and the relationship between King and Mujtahid, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 1,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, summer 1998.
7.  Stability and Transformation in Imam Khomeini’s Political Thought, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 5,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, summer 1999.    
8. The place of politics in transcendental wisdom, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 6,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, Autumn 1999.
9. Political thought in the Holy Quran, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 7,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, winter 1999.
10. The Holy Prophet’s conduct, from the Jahiliyyah (ignorance) community to the Islamic community (toward a development theory), Quarterly Journal of History of Islam, issue 1,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, spring 2000.
11. An introduction to classifications of Islamic political thought, Quarterly Journal of Islamic Government, issue 6, The Secretariat Assembly of Experts for Leadership, Qom, autumn 1999.
12. The mechanisms for provision of national security(from the viewpoint of Sabzevari), Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 9,  Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, summer 2000.
13. Religion and political knowledge, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 10, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, autumn 2000.
14. Imam Ali (as) and today’s generation, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue no. 10, The Office for leader’s representative in Sunni’s affairs, Qom, winter 2000.
15. Religious guidance and guide government, , Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 12, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, autumn 2000
16. Iranian Revolution and social developments from the viewpoint of Ayatollah Motahari, Quarterly Journal of Rahbord, issue 19, Institute for Strategic Research of Expediency Council, Tehran, Spring 2001.
17. Political jurisprudence, a renewable tradition, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 14, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, spring 2001.
18. The relationship between the individual and the government in the thought of Muhaqqiq Sabzewari, Quarterly Journal of Islamic Government, issue 16, The Secretariat Assembly of Experts for Leadership, Qom, summer 2001.
19. Political life in the thought of Mulla Sadra, Quarterly Journal of Qabasat, Issues 20 & 21, Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Tehran, autumn 2001.
20. Goals of the Holy Quran, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 15, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, autumn 2001.
21. The crisis of political domination and control in Iran, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 16, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, autumn 2001 
22. Obstacles to the spread of political jurisprudence, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 18, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, summer 2001.
23. A reflection on the dynamics of Imam Khomeini’s thoughts, Monthly of Zamaneh, Research institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, spring 2003.
24. Methodology of Shia political jurisprudence, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 21, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, spring 2003.
25. The Foundations of discourse theory, Quarterly Journal of Daneshpajoohan, issue 2, Mofid University, Qom, First Semester, 2003.
26. The relationship between globalization and global governance of Imam Mahdi (A), globalization and religion, issue 3, Secretariat of Religion Researchers, summer 2003.
27. Iran and the USA, existential conflict, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 20, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, winter 2002.
28. The pathology of royal political system from the viewpoints of Muhaqqiq Sabzewari and Imam Khomeini, the book” Imam Khomeini and Islamic governance, political philosophy, a series of works in Imam Khomeini and the Thought of Islamic Governance Congress, Institute for Publishing and Compiling Imam Khomeini’s Works, Qom, 1999.
29. The logic of the transformation of Imam Khomeini’s political thought and action from the beginning to the end, the book” the running sip” (30 research papers on Islamic revolution),  Research institute for Islamic Culture and Thought, Tehran, 1998.
30. The scheme for political jurisprudence, Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 24, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, 2003.
31. Foundations Villayat Faqih(guardianship of Islamic jurist), Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 25, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, spring 2004.
32. The crisis of political domination and control in Iran, Quarterly Journal of Farhang Andisheh, issue 5, the Center for Research and Human Sciences Development, Tehran, spring 2003.
33. A glimpse at the book” political thought in Islam and Iran”, Quarterly Journal of Ketabe Mahe Din, issue 25, 1999, (review of the book).
34. Unfinished look (an introduction and review of the book” religious legality of the government and political authority of the religion), Pegahe Howzeh, 2000.
35. Tasting as much as thirst or … (review of the book” an approach to politics and contemporary Islamic movements), Quarterly Journal of Ketabe Mahe Din, issue 40, 2000.
36. Iran, broad and fragile alliances (critique and review of the book” fragile resistance”), Pegahe Howzeh, issue 27, 2001.
37. Investment in the past, (critique and review of the book” a time between times: Imam, Shia and Iran), Pegahe Danesh, issue 32, 2001.
38. The twentieth century, Century of Muslim consciousness(Book review), Quarterly Journal of Ketabe Mahe Din, issue 40, 2000.
39. Islamic political system(Book review), Quarterly Journal of Ketabe Mahe Din, issue 62, 2002.
40. The history of political thought in Islam and Iran, (Book review), Quarterly Journal of Political Sciences, issue 10, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, Qom, 2000.  


Some of the Scientific Awards:
1. The lead researcher at Center for Islamic Studies and Research.
2. The 1st rank of M.A entrance exam, political sciences, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution.
3. The 1st rank of PhD entrance exam, political sciences, Imam Sadiq University.


The following studies have succeeded in getting some awards:
1. Political thought of Muhaqiq Sabzewari: Selected book in Iranian Seminary Year Book Festival, 2002.
2. Political thought of Mulla Sadra, Selected book in Iranian Seminary Year Book Festival, 2003, University Students Year Book Festival, acclaimed book in Religion Researchers Festival
3. The challenge of religious politics and kingdom order, selected book in Biennial Research on Islamic State.
4. The challenge of religious politics and kingdom order, acclaimed book in Iranian Year Book Festival.


Some of the scientific lectures and speeches
1. Globalization and Islamic governance, Shahrekord Medical Sciences University, October 7, 2003, published in selected papers of the conference.
2. Requirements and obstacles of science production in political science, the conference on “sciences production”, Qom University, 2003.
3. The school of political transcendental wisdom, The 2nd international conference on “transcendental wisdom and Mulla Sadra, Mulla Sadra Islamic Wisdom Foundation, Tehran, 2004, published in the abstract of the conference papers.
4. A critical approach to theory of dialogue and battle of civilizations, Civilizations Dialogues and Nimruz Civilization, Zabol University, spring 2002.
5.  Development obstacles in Sistan and Baluchestan province, the conference on “Province studies, Sistan and Baluchestan, Sistan and Baluchestan University, 1996.
6. Logic of transformation in the political thought of Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammad Baqir Sadr, Ayatollah Shahid Sadr International Congress, Teharn & Qom, 1999.
7. The pathology of royal political system from the viewpoints of Muhaqqiq Sabzewari and Imam Khomeini, the book” Imam Khomeini and Islamic governance, a series of works in Imam Khomeini and the Thought of Islamic Governance Congress, 1999.
8. The value of Molla Ahmad Naraqi’s political thought, a series of papers in Fazelin Naraqi Congress, Vol 2, 2002.
9. The political thought and practice of Mir Fendereski, Safavid Conference within the history of Iran, Tabriz University, 2004.
10. Justice and politics, Beghar Al-ulum Higher Education Institution, 2004.
11. The Foundations of Islamic revolution anthropology, Islamic Revolution with Issues and Political System, Supreme Leader Institution in the Universities.
12. An investigation into the status of political knowledge in Islamic Seminaries after the Islamic Revolution, Beirut, Lebanon.


Teaching Experience:
1. University professor at Tehran University, Islamic knowledge department/ Islamic Knowledge 1&2, Islamic revolution and the roots, Islamic Ethics and Education, History of Islam, an introduction to Islamic texts, 1994 to 2003.
2. University professor at Isfahan University, Islamic knowledge department/ Islamic revolution, History of Islam, 1994 to 1995.
3. University professor at Allameh Tabatabaei University, political sciences department/ an introduction to political thought in Islam, 2001 to 2002.
4. University professor at Baqir al-Ulum University, political sciences department, history department, Islamic knowledge department/ The subjects: Iran tendency including Iran socio-political transformations 1&2, Iranian foreign relations, Iran’s foreign policy developments, constitutional revolution, philosophy of history, political jurisprudence, Iran socio-political transformations, culture and politics in Iran.
5. University professor at Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, history department/ political thoughts movement in Islamic world.
6. University professor at Mofid University, political sciences department/ Iranian foreign relations.
7. University professor at Islamic Azad University of Qom, political sciences department/ political jurisprudence.
8. University professor at Supreme National Defense University, National Security College/ national environment and security philosophy in Islam. 
9. Professor at Islamic Seminary of Qom/political jurisprudence, political developments in contemporary Iran, Political thought of Islam.


Responsibilities and Executive Backgrounds


Previous Responsibilities 
1. Head of the Research Center for Political Sciences and Thought, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, 2004-2014.
2. Faculty member at Iranian Supreme Leader Beseh.
3. Cultural vice president at World Assembly of Ahlulbayt (pbut).
4. Member of Think Tank and Strategic Council of Maaref Radio
5. Head of Islamic Sciences Department at Baqir al-Ulum University.
6. Educational and research vice president, Baqir al-Ulum University, 1999-2005.
7. Editor in chief of political sciences, Baqir al-Ulum University, 2000-2007.
8. Head of the Center for Islamic State Research, 2004-2007.