Research Center for Civilizational Islam

Research deputyship of the Khorasan branch affiliated to Islamic Propagation Office of the Qom Seminary started its activities in 1994, and by using the potentials of the Islamic Seminary and the universities of Khorasan, formed various research departments succeeded in tens of research projects by benefiting from researchers. Then, this deputyship continued its activities under the name of Center for Islamic Sciences and Humanities. In 2016, its name changed to “Research Center for Civilizational Islam” and became one of the research centers in the Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy.


Providing scientific foundations for the new Islamic-Iranian civilization through the perspective of Islam as a civilization-building religion capable of establishing an exalted society.


  1. Providing theoretical foundations for the new Islamic-Iranian civilization
  2. Reconstructing the logic, methodology, and model of religious modernism in the new Islamic civilization
  3. Developing and promoting social interpretation of the holy Quran aimed at creating an exalted society
  4. Dynamizing Shia jurisprudence to address the civilizational needs of the contemporary world
  5. Reproducing the foundations of Islamic art and civilization with an approach to the Islamic-Iranian model of progress
  6. Highlighting the heritage of Islamic-Iranian civilization in the fields of science and art.

Research Center for Civilizational Islam consists of four research departments including:

  • The Department for Applied Jurisprudence
  • The Department for Wisdom and New Theology
  • The Department for Quran and Social Studies
  • The Department for Islamic Art and Civilization