Compilation of Knowledge structures

The mission of Department for Compilation of Knowledge structures is to produce Islamic sciences dictionaries and thesauri and compile and localize the new information systems in order to store and retrieve the accurate Islamic sciences information.

1.    Compiling and updating Islamic sciences thesauri to categorize Islamic sciences
2.    Compiling the Ontology of Islamic sciences
3.    Compiling the dictionaries based on the Islamic sciences thesauri.
4.    Designing and creating the systems of storing and retrieving Islamic sciences information
5.    Supporting the other centers’ information databases

Long-term Goals (five-year goals)
1.    Carrying out research to promote and complete the thesauri of public penal code, religions, new theology and religions.
2.    Carrying out research in line with compiling the thesauri of Islamic theology, logics and new theology.
3.    Compiling the ontology of Islamic sciences(first phase)
4.    Conducting research with scientometric approach in the field of Islamic theology

Short-term Goals (two-year goals)
1.    Carrying out research to promote and complete the thesauri of public penal code and religions
2.    Carrying out research in line with compiling the thesauri of Islamic theology and logics
3.    Compiling the ontology of Islamic sciences(the first stage in the first phase)

•    Publishing the thesaurus of general and specialized penal code in the form of software, website and book.
•    The main focus is on the preparation of the Logic Dictionary, the Old Theology Dictionary, and the Islamic Philosophy Dictionary (their first edition).
•    Fixing the problems of the website for Islamic sciences information management with the partnership of the Department for Information and Knowledge Dissemination.
•    Trying to implement the proposed central projects in line with the problem-based approach in Islamic Propagation Office of Qom Seminary.