Jurisprudence-related Sciences

The Department for Jurisprudence-related Knowledge (Usul Fiqh, principles of Jurisprudence, Rijal and Hadith) is one of the three departments of the Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law and is responsible for conducting studies and research on some fields such as Usul fiqh, principles of jurisprudence, philosophy of jurisprudence, Rijal and Hadith.

The most important objectives of this department are as follows:
1. Explaining and editing the foundations, resources, domains, goals, history and the methods of Islamic jurisprudence and law inference.
2. Transferring the needs in the field of inference to Usul and turning them into topics in the form and framework of Usul.
3. Directing the meticulous Usul skills from merely scientific topics towards practical ones.
4. Qualitative and quantitative development of Usul in the framework of its nature and instrumental role with the aim of meeting the needs to inference the novel problems.
5.  Preventing Usul from turning into a non-monitoring and useless science comparing to inference.
6. Providing the necessary scientific context to promote theorizing in Usul and jurisprudence.
7. Empowering the capacities of jurisprudential principles in the framework of strengthening the comparative topics of jurisprudence and law.
8. Transferring the needs of inference to Usul and turning them into topics in the form and framework of Usul.

1. Carrying out the studies, research and research projects in the fields of:
a. Sciences related to jurisprudence including Usul, Rijal, Hadith and so on.
b. Principles of jurisprudence appropriate to the development of jurisprudence.
c. Effective patterns and theories of jurisprudence, law and Usul.
2. Identifying the gaps, needs, harm and problems of Usul Fiqh in solving the novel issues.
3. Creating specialized groups to carry out the research programs and activities.
4. Providing collections of notification (bibliography, lexicon and glossary)
5. Providing the context for growth and development of knowledge and capability of the research center’s researchers through forming training workshops, holding scientific meetings and dialogues, creating study opportunities.
6. Identifying, hiring, and using the skilled researchers and experts and supporting the jurists of Islamic Seminary to pave the way for their growth and promotion.
7. Informing Islamic Seminaries in the fields of novel questions and challenges of the society and Islamic system in the arena of Usul Fiqh, Rijal, Hadith and jurisprudential principles.
8. Having relations and cooperation with scientific, research and executive institutes, organizations, associations and centers to pursue the department’s objectives.
9. Having an active and constructive relations with other research departments of the research centers in order to carry out the common projects and to avoid doing repetitive tasks.

Research domains
A. Investigating those rules that despite having determinative role in inference, just a small amount of topics related to Usul have been allocated to including Sireh, proportion of ruling and issue, topics which adjust the relationship of Kitab (Quran) and Sunnah. Such topics are in the research domain of this department.
B. Investigating those rules have been used in the field of inference, but have not discussed in Usul yet such as religious and rational intuitions (Irtikazat) and the amount of evidence of the Infallible’s act are in the domain of this department.
C. Those topics related to Hermeneutics and analytical philosophy of language that can affect Usul are in the research domain of this department.
D. Those topics related to Usul, Rijal, Hadith which their explanation is effective in accomplishing the research center’s objectives in the fields of Islamic jurisprudence and law, are in the domain of this department.