List of Selected Books at Festivals

Some of the Selected Works


  • Tafsir Rahnama (Selected work at the 12th Iranian Year Book Festival and the 2nd Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • The Concept of Ought and Is (selected work at the Iranian University Student Year Book Festival).
  • Language of Religion (selected work at the Iranian University Student Year Book Festival).
  • Principles of Christian Philosophy (selected work at the Iranian University Student Year Book Festival).


  • Contradiction or Absence; A New Attitude to the Miracle (selected work at Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • The Nature of Generality and Necessity; A Study on the Philosophy of Logic (selected work at the Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • Critique of the Unprovenness of the Existence of God(selected work at the Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Dictionary of the Qur’an (Obtaining the title of the best religious research of the Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).


  • Fallacies(selected work of the 7th Kharazmi Festival).
  • The Role of Taqiyyah in the Inference of Rulings (selected work at the Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival). 2003
  • The Encyclopedia of the Qur’an (Obtaining the title of the best religious research of the Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Human Expectations of Religion (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers). 2004
  • The Encyclopedia of the Holy Quran (second place at the 12th International Holy Quran Exhibition).
  • Fundamentals of Contracts Civil Liability (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Council in Fatwa (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Historical Analysis of the Signs of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi(selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • The Place of Theological Principles in Ijtihad (selected work at the Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Role of Taqiyyah in the Inference of Rulings (selected work at the Iranian Year Book Festival).


  • The Dictionary of the Qur’an (selected work at the 7th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival and obtained the first place at the 13th International Exhibition of the Qur’an).
  • The Encyclopedia of the Qur’an (selected work at the 24th Iranian Year Book Festival and Qur’an and Itrat Exhibition).
  • Criteria of Rulings and Methods of Its Exploration (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Religious Democracy (selected work at the Festival of Ayeen va Kherad).
  • Mawsu’at al-Imam al-Sayyid Abd al-Hossain Sharaf al-Din (commendable for appreciation at the 8th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • Mystical Teachings from the Perspective of Imam Ali (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Punishments from the Point of View of Jurisprudence and Criminal Law (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Religious Democracy (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • A Comparative Study of the Theory of Wilayat-e-Faqih (commendable for appreciation at the Biennial Festival of the Best Research of the Islamic Government).
  • Methodology of Political Knowledge in Islamic Civilization (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • The Relationship between Ethics and Politics in Islamic Thought (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).


  • The Encyclopedia of the Holy Qur’an (First place at the 15th International Exhibition of the Qur’an).
  • Translation of the Qur’an based on Tafsir al-Mizan (commendable for appreciation at Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Theory of Haq al-Ta’at (selected work at Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Punishments from the Viewpoint of Jurisprudence and Law (Selected work at Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Fundamentals of Contractual Civil Liability (selected work at the 9th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Fundamentals of Islamic Criminal Policy (selected work at Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • A Historical Analysis of the Signs of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (selected work at the 9th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Mawsu’at al-Imam al-Sayyid Abd al-Hossain Sharaf al-Din (World Book of the Year Award).
  • Ethical Issues (selected work at Ayeen va Kherad Festival).
  • Reason and Religion (selected work at Iranian Year Book Festival).


  • The Challenge of Religious Politics and the Royal Order with Emphasis on the Political Thought of Shiite Scholars in the Safavid Era (selected work at Biennial Festival of the Best Research of the Islamic Government and commendable for appreciation at Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Mawsu’at Ahkam al-Mortad (selected work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Criteria for Recognizing Fixed Rulings from Variable Rulings (selected work at the 10th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Fiqh al-Masa’il al-Mostahdiseh (commendable for appreciation at Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Applied Ethics; New Challenges And Explorations In Practical Ethics (commendable for appreciation at the 26th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Mawsu’at Al-Allameh Al-Balaqi (selected work at the 10th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Ijtihad from the Viewpoint of the Qur’an (commendable for appreciation at the 8th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Purposes of Punishments in Sexual Crimes (selected work at Secretariat of Iranian Congress of Religion Researchers).
  • Monotheistic Education (selected work at the 8th Iranian Season Book Festival).


  • Mawsu’at al-Shahid al-Awal (selected work at the 12th Iranian Season Book Festival, selected work at the 12th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival and selected work at Shahab Festival).
  • Returning to Traditional Fundamentalism (commendable for appreciation at the 11th Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Effect of Ethics on Ijtihad (commendable for appreciation at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Hisham ibn Hakam (selected work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Criteria of Rulings and Methods of Its Exploration (commendable for appreciation at the 3rd Festival of Book of Religion and the Best Research).
  • Monotheistic Education (commendable for appreciation at the 27th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Supervision of Power in Political Jurisprudence (commendable for appreciation at the 3rd Farabi International Festival).
  • Fiqh al-Masa’il al-Mostahdeseh (commendable for appreciation at the 10th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • The Effect of Ethics on Ijtihad (commendable for appreciation at the 11th Iranian Season Book Festival).


  • The Dictionary of Usul Fiqh (Selected work at the 13th Iranian Season Book Festival, the best and commendable work of the 2nd National Conference on Improving the Quality of Works)
  • Moral Development (commendable work at the 13th Iranian Season Book Festival)  The Effect of Ethics in Ijtihad (commendable work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Pyramid Companies (commendable work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Justification of Belief: Yes or no. an Examination of William Alston’s Viewpoints (commendable work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Hisham Ibn al-Hakam (commendable work at the 28th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • A Jurisprudential-legal Study of Computer Crimes (commendable work at the 12th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • The Dictionary of the Qur’an (selected work at the 29th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Translation of the Qur’an Based on Tafsir Al-Mizan (commendable work at the 29th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • A Jurisprudential-legal Study of Press Crimes (selected work at the 13th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival and the selected work at the 13th Cultural Research Festival).
  • Islamic Ethics and the Application of the Rule of Tolerance in the Arguments of Critical Research Traditions (commendable work at the 17th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Customary Ritual of Study on the Foundations of Secularism (selected work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Pyramid Companies (commendable work at the Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Al-Dor al-Mansur (commendable work at the 20th Iranian Season Book Festival).


  • The Encyclopedia of the Holy Qur’an (Obtained the title of the best research at the 20th International Exhibition of the Holy Qur’an).
  • Divine Wisdom and Purposeful Creation (commendable work at the 21th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Inferring a Moral Judgment from the Conduct and Action of the Infallible; Theoretical Difficulties and Methodological Considerations (commendable work at the 24th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Western Studies of Shiite Scholars in the Experience of Contemporary Iran (selected work at the 14th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Sayyid Morteza (commendable work at the 23th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Consequences of the Development Policies and Programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Political Participation, Partisanship and Political Stability (commendable work at the 21th Iranian Season Book Festival and the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Institution of Guardianship in the Umayyad Caliphate and the First Abbasid Era (Obtained the 3rd place of adult section at Farabi International Festival).
  • The Encyclopedia of Hadith Sciences (commendable work at the 14th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Al-Dor al-Mansur (selected work at the 14th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Civil Liability Resulting from Judicial Decisions with a Look at Some Legal Systems (selected work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • An Evaluation of the News of Imam Ali’s judgments (Selected work at the 15th Iranian Season Book Festival, 2013, commendable work at the 16th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival, and the selected work at the 1st Isfahan Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Ibn Hazm Andalusi’s Rationalism and Textualism; A Critical Approach (commendable work at the 26th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • A Jurisprudential Study of Management in Marital Relations (commendable work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Anthropology and Its Consequences in the Political Thought of Hobbes and Allameh Tabatabaei (commendable work at the 1st Imam Khomeini International Festival).
  • The Dictionary of Usul Fiqh (commendable work at the 2nd Iranian Festival of Improvement of Quality of Cultural Works Festival).
  • A Jurisprudential-Legal Study of Press Crimes (Selected work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • A Jurisprudential Study of Understanding the Subject and Reviewing the Arguments of Menopausal Age (Selected work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Best Website at the 6th Iranian Web Festival, Information and Content Section (Festival of Religion and Ma’arif).
  • Jurisprudential-legal Issues of Euthanasia (commendable work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • A Jurisprudential-legal Study of Civil Liability Resulting from Judicial Decisions (selected work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Kant’s Ethical Deontology (selected work at the 26th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Purposes of Punishment in Sexual Crimes (selected work at the 7th Farabi International Festival).
  • An Introduction to Lifestyle (commendable work at the 26th Iranian Season Book Festival).
  • Battle of Harra (commendable work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).  The Basis of rulings (commendable work at the 15th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • Political Issues of Bihar al-Anwar, 1st vol, Government and Leadership (selected work at the 5th Festival of Book of Religion and the Best Research).
  • Sharia Ways of Depositing in Banks (commendable work at the 16th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Clergy and Modernity with Emphasis on the Intellectual and Political Currents of the Islamic Seminary of Qom (selected work at the 5th Festival of Book of Religion and the Best Research).
  • Abortion from the Ethical Viewpoint (selected work of the 7th Kharazmi Festival).
  • Political Interpretation of the Qur’an in Contemporary Iran (commendable work at the 16th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • Anwar al-Fiqahah (Selected work at the 33rd Iranian Year Book Festival and the 17th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Interaction of Imamiyah Shia with Other Muslims (selected work at the 14th Cultural Research Festival).
  • Religion, Media, Social Communication; An Introduction to the Theory of Islamic Communication (3rd place at the 1st Allameh Tabatabaei Conference).
  • Cultural Heritage of Jurisprudential-legal Study (selected work at the 17th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • An Introduction to Lifestyle (selected work at the 14th Cultural Research Festival).


  • Al-Sahabah al-Kiram (selected work at the 18th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival and commendable work at the 34th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • The Dictionary of Qur’anic Sciences (commendable work at the 18th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • Manat al-Ahkam (commendable work at the 18th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • A Re-examination of the Criteria for the Development of Ayat al-Ahkam in the Holy Quran (commendable work at the 34th Iranian Year Book Festival).


  • The Prophet’s Conduct Against Opponents in the Words of the Qur’an (commendable work at the 4th Roshd Educational Books Festival).
  • A Comparison of the Political Function of the Shiite Clergy and the Catholic Clergy (commendable work at the 19th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Image of the Twelve Imams: In the Written Heritage of the Sunnis (commendable work at the 19th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Bibliography of Western Philosophy, the second vol. (selected work at the 19th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Place of Revelation in Political Philosophy (selected work at the 19th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Effectiveness of Imam Khomeini’s Ijtihad Method; In producing Jurisprudential-political Thought (the third selected work at the 9th International Farabi Festival).
  • The Dictionary of Qur’anic Sciences (commendable work at the 4th National Conference on Improving the Quality of Works and candidate at the 4th Roshd Festival).
  • An Introduction to the Philosophy of Rulings, Functions, and Ways of Knowledge (commendable work at the 19th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • Mawsu’at Allama Muhammad Hussein Kashif al-Ghita’ (commendable work at the 36th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Jurisprudence of Reading the Holy Qur’an, Jurisprudence of Utterance and Jurisprudence of Music (commendable work at the 36th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Socio-intellectual history of the Twelve-Imam Shiites in India (commendable work at the 36th Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • The Jurisprudential Nature of the Government and the Guarantee of Its Harmful Actions (commendable work at the 20th Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • The Encyclopedia of the Holy Qur’an (selected work at the 21st Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • National Identity in the Supreme Documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran (First place at the 3rd National Festival of Iranian University Students Cultural Year Book).
  • The lifestyle of the Fourteen Infallibles (commendable work at the 21st Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • An Introduction to the Issue of Efficiency in the Islamic Republic of Iran (commendable work at the 21st Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).
  • The Dictionary of Muslim Compilers (selected work at the Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • Electronic Contracts from the Perspective of Fiqh and Usul (commendable work at the Iranian Islamic Seminary Year Book Festival).


  • National Identity in the Supreme Documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran (commendable work at the 12th Movement International Festival of Cultural Deputyship of the Iranian Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology).
  • The Dictionary of Muslim Compilers (commendable work at the Iranian Year Book Festival).
  • The Inference of Moral Judgment for Religious Texts and Verbal Arguments (commendable work at the Iranian Year Book Festival).


  • Explanation of the place of Kufians in the Process of the Movement of Imam Hossein (AS) (selected work of the first Bi-annual Festival of Ashura Book).