
Some of the Macro-Projects Carried out in ISCA


  1. The Encyclopedia of the Holy Qur’an (18 Vols.)
  2. The Dictionary of the Qur’an (33 Vols.)
  3. Tafsir Rahnama (21 Vols.)
  4. Politics in the Holy Quran (4 works)
  5. The Transcendental Policy from the Viewpoint of ” Hikmat Muta’aliyah”(20 works)
  6. Political Thought of Muslim Thinkers (50 works)
  7. Political Knowledge in Contemporary Iran (4 works)
  8. The Philosophy of Political Jurisprudence (5 works)
  9. The Jurisprudence of Political System (5 works)
  10. Mawsu’at (encyclopedia) of Political Hadiths (5 works)
  11. The Political Peripatetic Philosophy (2 works)
  12. The Philosophy of Politics (2 works)
  13. Ethics and Politics (5 works)
  14. The Jurisprudence of International Relationship and Foreign Policy (5 works)
  15. Security in Islam (3 works)
  16. The Clergy and Politics (10 works)
  17. Usul and Linguistic Knowledge (2 works)
  18. The Relationship between Body and Soul (25 works)
  19. The Capabilities of Islamic Philosophy and Its Relationship with Socio-political Life (3 works)
  20. Wisdom and Religion (5 works)
  21. Theology and Orientalists (11 works)
  22. Anwar al-Fiqahah (10 volumes)
  23. The Theology of Ethics (12 works)
  24. The Psychological Foundations of Ethical-Religious Education (2 works)
  25. Mokhtalaf al-Shia (10 volumes)
  26. The Sighting of the New Crescent Moon (5 works)
  27. Al-Barahin al-Qate’a fi Sharhe Tajrid al-Aqaed (4 volumes)
  28. Montaqed al-Manfe’ fi Sharhe Mokhtaser al-Nafe’ (10 volumes)
  29. Al-Sahabah al-Karam (3 volumes)
  30. Poverty and Development (5 works)
  31. The New Medical Issues (2 volumes)
  32. The Paradigm for Mystical Shia Schools (10 work)
  33. The Forgotten Necessities of Stable Development
  34. The Jurisprudence of Reading the Holy Qur’an (1 work)
  35. Applied Ethics (5 works)
  36. An Analysis and Critique of Non-Islamic Spiritualties (2 Vols.)
  37. The Methodology of Spirituality Studies and Examination of Islamic Spirituality (3 works)
  38. Jame’ al-Sa’adat (3 Vols.)
  39. Asda’ al-Raqa’eb fi Mas’alat al-Hijab
  40. A Series of Dialogues on Fiqh, Law and Society (9 works)
  41. Wilayat Faqih and the Islamic Seminary (13 works)
  42. The Improvement of the efficiency of the Islamic Republic of Iran (9 works)
  43. The Lifestyle of the Fourteen Infallibles (12 works)
  44. A Critique and Examination of Resources of Ahlulbayt History (7 works)
  45. Shiism in the Regions (4 works)
  46. The Events in History of Islam (4 works)
  47. Cultural Relief
  48. The Civilizational Criteria of Islamic Republic of Iran
  49. A Critique of Modern Science-oriented Atheism
  50. Family Law (5 works)
  51. Civil Liability (7 works)
  52. Mahdiism Studies (4 works)
  53. The Deviant Movements of Mahdiism (12 works)
  54. Qur’anic Systematization (5 volumes)
  55. Content Organization of Islamic Sciences Through Combinational-Thematic Indexing with Activities:
  56. Indexing of the resources of specialized fields of Islamic sciences (Quran sciences, Usul Fiqh, Islamic theology, new theological issues, Islamic ethics, Mahdiism teachings);
  57. Indexing of resources, in a thematic manner (Jurisprudence of art Information Bank, Honesty Information Bank);
  58. Indexing of the works of contemporary thinkers (the works of Allameh Shahid Motahari, the Quranic works of Allameh Mohammad Hadi Marefat, the works of Allameh Ayatollah Hassanzadeh Amoli, the works of the powerful speaker, Mr. Falsafi, the works of Imam Musa Sadr).
  59. A set of Jurisprudence Dialogues, Law, and Society (12 Vols.)
  60. The Jurisprudence of Civil Liability (10 Vols.)
  61. The Principles of Jurisprudence of Cultural Consumption (5 Articles)
  62. The Philosophy of Usul Fiqh (8 Vols.)
  63. The history of proofs of God’s existence in Imamiya Theology


In Progress

  1. The Encyclopedia of the Holy Qur’an
  2. The Dictionary of the Qur’an
  3. The Encyclopedia of the Holy Qur’an for Teenagers
  4. The Transcendental Policy from the Viewpoint of ” Hikmat Mutaaliyah”
  5. Political Thought of Muslim Thinkers
  6. Political Knowledge in Contemporary Iran
  7. The Philosophy of Political Jurisprudence
  8. The Jurisprudence of Political System
  9. Politics in the Holy Quran
  10. Mawsu’at (encyclopedia) of Political Hadiths
  11. The Political Peripatetic Philosophy
  12. The Philosophy of Politics
  13. Ethics and Politics
  14. The Jurisprudence of International Relationship and Foreign Policy
  15. Security in Islam
  16. The Clergy and Politics
  17. The Philosophy of Usul and Linguistic Knowledge
  18. The Relationship between Body and Soul
  19. The Capabilities of Islamic Philosophy and Its Relationship with Socio-political Life
  20. Wisdom and Religion
  21. Theology and Orientalists
  22. The Theology of Ethics
  23. The Psychological Foundations of Ethical-Religious Education
  24. Montaqed al-Manfe’ fi Sharhe Mokhtaser al-Nafe’
  25. Innovative, Intellectual and Religious Revival Models
  26. The Paradigm for Mystical Shia Schools
  27. Applied Ethics
  28. An Analysis and Critique of Non-Islamic Spiritualties
  29. The Methodology of Spirituality Studies and Examination of Islamic Spirituality
  30. The Studies of Qur’anic Systematization
  31. The Scientific Authority of the Holy Quran
  32. The Holy Quran and Orientalism
  33. A Critique of inconsistent Ideas in Quran and Empirical Sciences
  34. The Development of Honesty
  35. Sexual Affairs in Contemporary Iran
  36. Religious Knowledge in Education
  37. The System of Subjects, Priorities and Objectives of Research in the Jurisprudence of Computer Games
  38. Information Bank and Documents of Jurisprudence of Art
  39. Affairs related to Designing and Compiling the System of Jurisprudence of Art Issues
  40. A Series of Dialogues on Islamic Jurisprudence, Law and Society
  41. Wilayat Faqih and Islamic Seminary
  42. The Improvement of the efficiency of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  43. The Thematic Heritage of Treatise of Determinism and Free Will
  44. The Thematic Heritage of Treatise of Bada’
  45. The Thematic Heritage of Treatise of Al-Zawjah
  46. The Thematic Heritage of Treatise of Hijab
  47. The Thematic Heritage of Treatise of Divine Science
  48. Shiism in the Regions (2 volumes)
  49. Shiism in the Era of the 12 Imams’ Presence
  50. The Dictionary of Lifestyle Based on the Teachings of the Qur’an and Ahlulbayt
  51. Jurisprudence of Reading the Holy Qur’an
  52. The Jurisprudence of City and Urbanization
  53. Translation of Fiqh, Law and Society
  54. Application of the Model of Ideal Governance in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  55. The Nature of Shia Mysticism
  56. The Jurisprudence of Art (4 works)
  57. Civil Liability (1 work)
  58. Family Law (3 works)
  59. Sustainability and Efficiency of the Family with an Islamic Approach
  60. Knowledge of God in Imamiyah Theology from Baghdad School to Isfahan School
  61. A Series of Dialogues on Jurisprudence, Law and Family (3 works)
  62. Mahdiism Studies
  63. Deviant Currents of Mahdiism (8 works)
  64. Divorce Information Bank (to be continued)
  65. Lifestyle Information Bank (to be continued)
  66. The Supreme Leader of Iran’s Speeches (to be continued)
  67. Indexing the End of the Research Books of ISCA (to be continued)
  68. Jurisprudence of Reading the Holy Qur’an
  69. Qur’anic Systematization