Considering the profound relationship between futurology and doctrine of Mahdism in Islamic thought, the futurology department is a scientific research department that explores and explains the foundations of Futurology based on Islamic principles. The most important mission of the department is to identify, explore and localize the basic knowledge of futurology in the fields of religious and Mahdism issues.
Domains of Activities
• Explaining the Futurology foundation based on the Islamic approach
• Explaining the modes of relationship between futurology and religious studies
• Methodology of futurology studies
• Identifying and investigating the status of futurology in Islamic world
• Investigating the modeling capacity of the Mahdism doctrine in explaining and designing the futures of awaiting community
• Explaining the future of holy Islamic Republic of Iran’s system by using the model of Mahdism community
• Localization of futurology by using the foundation of revelation
• Explaining the necessity of using futurology in religious sovereignty