Research Center for Ethics and Spirituality

The extensive call and repeated emphasis of the Holy Qur’an on moral development and self-refinement, shows the very serious place of ethics among the goals of religion. The contemporary world is very thirsty for the            spiritual message of Shia and is looking for the liberating gift of the Islamic revolution. Undoubtedly, one of the most important missions of Islamic Seminary of Qom and ISCA is to deepen and expand the authentic teachings of Islamic ethics and education in the society. Trying to produce moral thinking based on Islamic principles, extracting the moral system of Islamic education and preparing valid answers for novel questions in the field of ethics, education and spirituality are the goals that the Research Center for Ethics and Spirituality was formed to achieve.

The research center started its activities in 2003 as “The Department for Ethics and Education”, and continued its activities in 2007 with two research departments and under the title of “Center for Ethics and Education”, then since 2017, by adding the Department for Islam and Spirituality Studies, started its new activities.


Research and collaborative thinking on theoretical issues of ethics, education, and spirituality, as well as the identification and resolution of practical ethical, educational, and spiritual challenges in contemporary Iranian society.


  1. Identifying and extracting the Islamic macro-theory in ethics, moral development, moral education and spirituality.
  2. A critical re-examination of Western theories in the methodology of applied ethics, contemporary theories in moral development and education, and secular and post-secular spirituality, and explaining and providing Islamic teachings in these fields.
  3. The extraction of the theoretical system and the identification of challenges and concrete dilemmas in ethics, education, and spirituality in contemporary Iranian society, as well as the effort to solve common problems.
  4. The elite discourse formation in the fields of applied ethics, moral education, and Islamic spirituality.

Research Departments

Research Center for Ethics and Spirituality has three research departments as follows:

  • The Department for Ethics
  • The Department for Education
  • The Department for Islam and Spirituality Studies