Studies of Mahdism Currents

The studies of Mahdism current is a field that deals with identification of currents and sects in the arena of Mahdism; In other words, current is a movement that is formed in the society based on a certain criteria and brings about changes. The current studies of a movement is the study of its formation and identification of factors that are involved in it. The studies of current is divided into two sections including “identification of positive and negative currents” that the goal in this field is the second section that is negative currents _ the currents that their activities causes undesirable impacts in the field of Mahdism and are not compatible with the accepted values of Mahdism such as, Babism, Bahaism, Modaei Yamani, Modaei Sudani and so on. In this department, in addition to identifying the deviant groups of Mahdism, it will be dealt with the social, cultural and civilizational factors that are the causes of their formation.

Domains of Activities 

•    Transformation and evolution of Mahdism deviant currents
•    Typology of Mahdism deviant currents and sects
•    Current studies of Mahdism deviant sects in the presence era (of Imam Mahdi A)
•     Current studies of Mahdism deviant sects in the era of Minor Occultation(of Imam Mahdi A)
•    Current studies of Mahdism deviant sects in the era of Major Occultation(of Imam Mahdi A)
•    Pathology and threat studies of Mahdism deviant currents
•    Causes and Factors in the formation of Mahdism deviant sects
•    Doubt studies of Mahdism deviant currents
•    Current studies of Mahdism deviant sects in the contemporary era
•    Identifying the claimer and audience of Mahdism deviant currents